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WPRx Blog

WordPress support, maintenance, & customizations for entrepreneurs and small businesses.

What is a Staging Site and Why Do I Need One?

Updating your live website can be risky. A staging site plays a critical role in your site maintenance strategy by providing a testing ground for updates and customizations before they are deployed on your live site.

Do You Have a Secure Website Backup?

What would you do if your website suddenly disappeared or was hacked beyond repair? Why put all of your hard work at risk? A good backup strategy is a critical component for any successful website and can make all the difference in how you recover from a disaster.

What Are WordPress Customizations?

It’s very possible to create a beautiful website using WordPress, a good theme, and a handful of plugins. But sometimes, off-the-shelf solutions just can’t do exactly what you want or need. This is were customizations come into play.

Why Should I Update WordPress?

It’s been said, “change is the only constant in life” and this certainly applies to life on the Internet. WordPress is a wonderful tool for managing your website, but like most things, it does need to be maintained.

How To Choose a Good Web Hosting Provider

A good web hosting provider is like having a reliable car. It starts every day and is always there when you need it. Choosing well when it comes to a hosting partner can sometimes feel like a roll of the dice. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

I Need Help With WordPress!

You may very well be an expert in your chosen field but let’s face it, you may not have the time or the know-how to manage your WordPress website all by yourself. A wise business owner knows the value of surrounding themselves with a team of experts.